Captain America

Captain America: The End Review

By Duck

Captain America: The End is written and drawn by Erik Larsen. It is in the comic series The End, a series where Marvel characters face have "final story". The art in Captain America: The End is not my favorite, but it fits Captain America. It looks exactly like a comic from the 40s. The plot is very mediocre, but fits well with what is going on currently. It takes place in a world where the Red Skull convinced Modok to release a highly contagious virus that turns people into the Red Skull. Captain America and seven other people are the only people that are not infected. At the climax, Captain America and a little girl are the only people not infected but they find out that Captain America’s blood is the cure. Captain America gives his blood to every human on earth. That does not seem possible. There are 5,700 ml of blood in the human body. Assuming the super-soldier serum had an effect on him, I will add 2,000 ml. That’s 7,700 ml for eight million people! Captain America: The End is a creative short read. 4 stars. Sources: Healthline Here is a quick shout out to Fudge. Fudge has been helping me a lot with my gaming videos and some of the Marvel stuff on the webpage. I wouldn’t be here without him.
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